At a time when so many have, rightly, focused on mourning the passing of HRH Queen Elizabeth II it is doubly important that the community of Royston Town Football Club ensures that it pays tribute to Ron King who contributed a great deal of his time to the Crows during the 1970s and 1980s and who sadly died at the age of 84 at the beginning of this month.
Ron’s football pedigree was highly regarded having been with Spurs as a youngster and had the privilege of playing with Jimmy Greaves whilst in his British Army days. Ron was also an accomplished boxer and a real all-round athlete. He continued his football career playing in what now is known as non-league football with Enfield and Baldock Town before joining Royston where he was appointed reserve team manager under the first team manager of the time Tommy Everitt. He continued his involvement in the playing side of the Club with regular appearances for the Vets team where he was always able to showcase what a talented and skilful player he was. In addition, Ron and his beloved wife Norma were the leading lights in fostering the relationship with Royston’s twin footballing club of Grossalmerode FC in Germany where they made many lifelong friends.
For most of his working life Ron was employed as an engineer and salesman with BOC and in his spare time was a passionate gardener with a particular love for cultivating fuchsias.
He was my first manager when I joined Royston Town in the mid-1970s and he immediately struck me as someone who had a wealth of playing experience to bring to the team together with a way of communicating what he wanted tactically in a thoughtful and calm manner. Until just before the Covid lockdown began, whilst waiting for Norma to catch him up, he would visit me on Royston market most Wednesdays and the very first thing he would always ask was ‘How are the Town doing?’ He was what I would call a ‘proper footballing man’ and with it went a man who earned the respect and affection of all those he came in contact with him.
On behalf of all those involved in Royston Town FC, I offer our sincere and heartfelt condolences to all of Ron’s family and friends.
RIP Ron King.
Alan Barlow