Saturday, July 27
Royston, Hertfordshire


Steve Castle on Player Departures

Hi Everyone,

Well what a up and down season it has been!!

Apologies for not writing more blogs recently but a review of the last few weeks is well overdue!

Results wise recently have been fantastic! Since writing the last blog we had a dreadful run of three defeats but credit to the lads they responded by accumulating 25 points from 9 games. A great achievement in any league!

There have been some coming and goings as well which for the lads leaving have been disappointing. But this is a progressive football club and I can only keep sixteen players happy at any one time.

There have been lads that have left recently who have done very well for the club in recent times. Lads like Ryan Lockett, Lewis Endacott and Ross Collins. All great lads and tremendous respect for all their efforts for the club.

I have to make decisions. Sometimes they are easy, but in this case they were very hard choices!

All three are brilliant lads and have served the club fantastically for many years. I wish all of them the best and in Lewis's case the door is always open?

Ryan I didn't feel that he contributed enough as a striker with goals especially. Ross was unlucky in as much I got in 2 ex-England Youth internationals in Scott and Stuart Bridges. I can only play so many midfielders and with Jack Bradshaw and Spyros Mentis performing well there was no space for Ross!

As said I wish them all well. I appreciate that they are classed as "Local lads" but I have to go on quality!

We have some great "Local lads" coming through. Especially in our successful youth squad so the local connection is still paramount in my thinking.

I know what this club is all about. Embrace it and encourage lads coming through!

I believe it's all about getting the right balance! Progressing at the same time keeping a community feel about the club. We have a great football team here. We must all get behind us and support everyone! Not just the First Team, everyone!

We can be as big as we want to be! We have the foundations, as long as we all support each other!!
