Youth Match Report U11C 260910


Date Sunday 26th September 2010
Match Royston Town Youth Colts v Bassingbourn Youth
Competition Royston Crow Youth Football League Div 2
Result Won 5-3
Royston Scorers Mick (2), Tom T, Callum, Bruce
Man of Match Mick (Lively, tricky & creative)

Our third competitive eleven a side game was at home against our close neighbours Bassingbourn Youth, who we know have a good set up and approach the game in the right way. We had played them in a pre-season friendly that had gone our way but we were certain they would be up for this important league match.


We were without the influential Keiran this week, who was out with an injury, but we believed our pre-season work on playing the players in different positions would mean the squad could adapt and line up confidently. The weather was overcast, drizzly and a bit blustery, but the playing surface was in excellent condition. We talked to our players about this game, asking them to concentrate from the start and be prepared for a tough and competitive match, to allow for the wind and to get the passing to feet going quickly.


The game started with Bassingbourn at full speed putting good pressure on the Royston defence enough so that a full on tackle was mistimed and a definite penalty was awarded. Rory stood tall and the ball was shot wide. The Royston boys put a good move together with a fast break by Mick to Matt to Jack whose good and quick shot hit the post. The whole thing was at frantic plus speed and the ball was moved back into the Royston danger area quickly and the Bassingbourn striker made no mistake planting the ball in the net for 0-1 to the visitors. Bassingbourn came at us again and forced a corner which was sent over brilliantly and not dealt with or cleared by the Royston defence and again the ball was shot home well – 0-2. Bassingbourn increased their lead further when a long speculative shot gave Rory no chance to make the score 0-3 within approximately 15 minutes of the start of the game and this could have been four if they had converted their penalty. Credit must be given to the home boys who then put together a great bit of football up the middle by Matt to Mick who fed Tommy T on his left foot for a great shot and a goal just at the right time to halt the avalanche. The half-time whistle went with the score at 1-3.


We sat them down and spoke to them about starting this game again – a few of the players were unusually half a yard short of the pace of the game and we needed them to respond. We assured them that their style of play would create scoring chances in the second half and that this game was definitely not dead. We sent them out to play with pride and to show the spectators what a quality team they are.


This second period was a different game from Royston and one of the best halves of committed football that I have seen the boys play. The response to our half time talk was fantastic as each and every one of the players dug deep and gave their all.  A quality bit of football right at the start of the half told Andy and me that they were up for it as a fantastic bit of interplay between Tom T, Bruce and Mick led to the latter’s shot crashing off the bar – great stuff.  We got the score back to 2-3 following a corner by Mick being struck home by the persistent Callum and their tails were definitely up. The boys restored parity from route one with Rory kicking well for Mick to pick up quickly and run on to bury the ball in the net 3-3. We took the lead with Mick scoring a penalty after a handball in the box. 4-3. The scoring was completed with Bruce, whose hold up and distribution in the second half had been really good, poaching a goal from another corner. 5-3. 


As mentioned above the second half was as good as we could have asked for after such a bad start to the game and the team had responded brilliantly. Mick was awarded the spectator’s man of the match award, but the whole squad had been really good in the second half. Special mentions for the ever improving, adaptable and superb play on the day by Tom T, the solid engine room that is Matt and Callum, the speed and non-stop pressure from Jack and the bravery and commitment of all the back four.


Top effort everyone.


Check out the photos on the RTFC website


Team      Rory, Joe, JC, JP, Tom T,  Callum, Matt, Jack, Mick, Bruce, Foxy, Lewis, Brad.