U18 Match Report: Royston Town v Newmarket Town (Cup)

Date Wednesday 24 November 2010
Match Royston Town v Newmarket Town
Competition Ridgeons Youth Cup (R2)
Result Lost 6-5
Royston Scorers Webb (2), Carthy, Reed, Brennan

Despite being 5-0 up after 55 minutes Royston somehow managed to throw this game completely away and in so doing crashed out of the league cup competition.

There was no apparent evidence of the second half carnage in the opening half as Royston deservedly eased into a four goal lead with Ryan Webb, Shane Carthy, Luke Reed and Matt Brennan scoring and this lead could have been more but for some poor finishing.

Ryan Webb crashed in an unstoppable fifth soon after the restart but as soon as Newmarket scored their opener in the 57th minute Royston inexplicably fell apart.

Within another seven minutes the score had been reduced to 5-4 as Newmarket completely left the home side in shreds with wave after wave of attacking moves.

It was only a matter of time before the inevitable happened and two more goals, the winner coming in the 90th minute, saw Newmarket deservedly progress over the entirety of the game.