Youth Match Report: U14 Crows v Letchworth GCE Blues 08.02.15



Sunday 8th February 2015


Letchworth GCE Eagles Blues v Royston Town Youth Crows


Royston Crow Youth Football League U14 Division 2


Won 2-3

Royston Scorers

James 2, Chris



A first half of good football with the Crows taking the game to a Letchworth side who had proved problematic to the Crows before for reasons we won't go into,


Crows scored midway through the first half with a goal ruled out by the Letchworth linesman from James, Crows scored soon again with a goal ruled out by the Letchworth linesman from Wilko.


So the half ended 0-0 with chances at both ends Letchworth not taken Crows not given.


In a heated second half with chances at both ends the Crows saw themselves behind after Letchworth broke through and slid the ball home, with the game three quarters done and Danny on the floor the Crows were calling for the ref to stop proceedings for his attention as the ref let the game go on. Letchworth went through a shell shocked defence and seemed to wrap the game up 2-0, 


Most sides would just play out the last ten minutes and go home fed up but the Crows never surrender.   (NEMMO CESUM)


James received the ball and lobbed the keeper perfectly and the whole atmosphere changed with parents bouncing and cheering as never before. Chris rallying the troops Bradley lifting the spirits and a new refound belief surging through the team.


Toby took a knock but the ball slid through and was passed on to Chris who took the bull by the horns and cut in to hammer a contender for goal of the season.




Letchworth were rocked and Crows knew it and on the very next attack the ball was passed back and forward in front of the area and James received it. He got the ball out of his feet and in almost slow motion passed the ball through the defense passed the keeper and into the net. Everything went quiet for a split second and then the cheering erupted. Bradley ran the full length of the pitch to celebrate with his team mates as a disgruntled Letchworth parent said "you would think they just won the FA cup".


I couldn't resist a premature, "no matey but we have just nearly won the league".


Letchworth to be fair did put the ball into the back of the net again but it was offside.


The greatest come back of all time in the Crows history was now complete.




Played  15


Won     14


Drawn    1


Lost       0