Youth Match Report: U15 v Buntingford Cougars (League Cup 2nd round) 251112



Sunday 25th November 2012


Buntingford Cougars Whites v Royston Town Youth


Royston Crow Youth Football League U15 League Cup


Won 0-2

Royston Scorers

Rhys, Ben

We travelled eight miles up the road to play Division 3 Buntingford Cougars Whites in a second round League Cup tie. After so much rain the pitch was heavy and would cut up as the game went on but was definitely playable.

We spoke before hand that we should not get complacent and work hard as we would any other game also we wanted to get the ball wide and make sure our delivery was good.

These games either go one of two ways you win them handsomely or you get frustrated and you start making wrong decisions, to be fair we started really well playing with hunger and playing intelligently. We forced five corners early on but did not get anything from them and it soon became apparent that Buntingford were playing to defend and frustrate us as they often had eight or nine players behind the ball which they are entitled to do and were doing well. We kept trying to do the right things but the pitch was proving just as hard as Buntingford with players losing there footing, we did not help ourselves either by poor delivery in the final third. We did take the lead on thirty minutes when James B played a great pass to Rhys who opened his body up and slotted the ball passed the keeper.  AJ was at the heart of most of our moves and was doing his best to get the spark going in the team. The half finished with us 1-0 up but the frustration was there for all to see.

We just wanted the boys to be patent and not force things it was a case of keeping their heads and once again to make the pitch wide and make sure that final pass was a good one.

For me this performance got worse the more the game went on we did things we never normally do and the players frustration just got worse and because of this their decision making also got worse, we still created lots of chances but they came and went that was until eight minutes from time when a move started by Richard who found Ross out wide his delivery found its way to Callum his shot was blocked and there was Ben to poke the ball home from close range. For me this game could not end quick enough and when it did we got through with a 2-0 score line.

Cup games are about getting through to the next round so on that score that is what we did but I was so disappointed the way we lost our way the more the game went on and we have to get used to teams trying to stop us and putting players behind the ball that is a compliment to us that teams play that way against us. The pitch was a bit of a leveller but we were our own worst enemies in so many ways, I hope the boys think about today's game and learn from it, you have to stay focused we had twenty corners today and lots of chances and Buntingford did not create one chance buy its them who will go away with the plaudits, when you get complacent that's when this game brings you back down to earth and I know this group will respond in a positive manner starting at training Thursday.