Youth Match Report: U15 v Lea Sports 300912



Sunday 30th September 2012


Lea Sports PSG v Royston Town Youth Colts


Royston Crow Youth Football League U15 Division 1


Won 0-6

Royston Scorers

Bradley, Rhys, Jack O, Ross, Richard, Ben

We were a bit surprised to find out that we were playing on the same pitch as last year as it is small in both width and length but it was a good playing surface all the same.

We decided to defend the slope in the first half as well as having a strong wind in our faces, we wanted a confident first touch plenty of chat and that all important second movement.

The boys had the bit between there teeth from the start and we were playing some nice football and it did not take to long to test there keeper. In many ways the conditions were helping us and keeping the ball on the floor was an advantage. Our first goal came courtesy of a stunning pass from Sam he hit a pass between centre half and full back for Bradley to run onto and eventually put us one up. We then stopped playing and allowed PSG back into the game we started through frustration to give away silly free kicks in dangerous positions and Robbie pulled off a stunning save from one of the free kicks to keep us on top, We scored our second against the run of play, Sam was again involved and his pass found Rhys who then lost the ball but his block tackle saw the ball fly over the keeper and into the net. That was the lift we needed and we were back dominating and scored number three on half time, the ball was played out to Jack O on the left he then beat his player all ends up before striking a super shot that went in via the cross bar.

We played well in patches but then lost our way partly due to making to many wrong decisions and taking to many touches and we could see the boys were slightly disappointed themselves which is no bad thing. Ash was also angry with throw on’s for and against us, we were to far away from them when they had a throw in and our movement from ours was average at best so we wanted an improvement on both.

We started the second half as we had started the first on top from the first whistle, Richard played a ball into Ben who played a reverse pass into Ross and he picked his spot for goal number four. We scored a fifth from a Ben long throw which caused havoc in there defence they did not clear it and there was Richard to control it before hitting a powerful shot into the corner. We were playing with confidence although our final ball was not always the best and the first touch could have been better at times. Number six came five minutes from time James R took his trade mark corner and there was Ben to score with a bullet header five yards out to complete the scoring.

The pleasing things about today were once again the subs all played their part and are going to make next weeks team selection difficult to say the least and secondly we made the score line a realistic reflection of our dominance something we failed to do on countless occasions last year. Lots of things to work on in training the boys know there were parts of today that were not good enough but with there attitude we know they will all work hard to put things right.