Youth Match Report: U16 Tournament Huntingdon Town Tournament 010913



Sunday 1st September 2013




Huntingdon Town Tournament



1/9/2013 1000 Huntingdon Town Tournament (WINNERS)

An 11 a side tournament at Huntingdon with five games of 25 minutes with the winners being the team with most points. With two late withdrawals due to holiday and injury we made the trip with just 11 players and no goalkeeper but we decided the game time was the important thing and although we wanted to win it expectations were not too high.


First Game V St Ives Rangers won 1-0 (Rhys)

Not a great start to the game Ali was caught with what can only be described as a reckless challenge which went unpunished much to my disbelief, he played the rest of the game but the injury would force him in goal for the rest of the tournament, we were by far the better team and scored the goal we deserved when Jack O corner was headed in by Rhys so a good start and a good performance.


Second Game v Little Paxton Draw 0-0.

We did not start this game very well and were second best for the first ten minutes, we did play better the more the game went on and if it was not for a couple of excellent saves could have won it, overall a draw was a fair result. Richard also picked up an ankle injury from yet another late challenge and he would play no further part in the tournament so we now had to play with ten.


Third Game v Brampton Won 2-0 (Rhys, Sam)

Although we only had ten we were still dominant and played most of the game in the Brampton half, We scored two really good goals the first a great pass from AJ found Rhys and his finish was top draw and then Jack O found space on the left and his pass was thumped home by Sam for a good win and performance.


Fourth Game V Huntingdon Won 1-0 (Ross)

Huntingdon were unbeaten and looked a decent side so we new this would be our toughest test. They were making the extra man count and although they had a lot of the ball our defending as a team was heroic and they did not manage a single shot on goal, then disaster AJ suffered a bad injury and had to come off which now left us with nine! We were playing with intelligence and playing the balls into the channels for Sam to chase and he really was causing them trouble, with seven minutes left he again chased the ball and his pace got him there first he held it up and his cross caused havoc in there area and Ross who had made up lots of ground poked in from close range. They continued to push for an equaliser and their frustration was getting the better of them and their lively centre forward got himself sent off for throwing a punch. We saw the game out and pulled off an unlikely victory which was about guts determination and an unbelievable team sprit.


Fifth Game V Ramsey Won 4-0 (Sam 4)

A draw would be enough to win the tournament and our patched up nine played there ten, we have worked really hard on our fitness in pre season and it showed in this game, we were bright in our play and we were moving really well with no signs of tiredness, we opened the scoring after three minutes when Sam raced onto a pass from Matt and finished well, number two soon followed Jack O this time found Sam and the result was the same. Rhys who had dropped into midfield this time was the provider another great pass and Sam completed his hatrick.Ross and Jack O linked up well before Sam scored again. We dominated this game from start to finish with another excellent performance and if it was not for some outstanding saves from their goal keeper we could have won by a lot more.


So silverware nice and early and this was so so deserved we showed both sides of the game, we played good football but also stood up to some heavy challenges, to not concede a goal was outstanding and this was down to team work ethic and a great attitude, this is a day the boys should always look back on with such pride because the sprit they showed was fantastic and should bode well for the rest of the season, and although they would not admit it even the pre season we have had helped in so many ways.



Ali,Matt,Jack M,Jack O,Callum ,Bradly,AJ,Richard,Ross,Rhys,Sam.