Youth Match Report: U16 v March Rangers 230214


Sunday 23rd February 2014


Royston Town Youth v March Rangers


Cambridge & District Colts League U16 Division A


Won 2-1

Royston Scorers

Rhys, James

March were the visitors to Fowlmere on Sunday afternoon the weather was very windy blowing mainly across the pitch although the pitch itself was ok, March were half way in the league so we were expecting a tough game as there results showed they have upset some of  the higher teams they have played against.

We had fourteen to choose from although not all were 100%; we spoke beforehand about attacking the space when the options was there and to play with the same quality we had shown last week and that we needed to play it simple and be aware of the easy pass and to make sure we cleared our lines when under pressure as although we like them to play out at the back this is not always the best option We needed to start a lot better than last week because we were sloppy in the opening minutes and conceded because of that.

Well once again a really slow start and although they had the wind against them March were much the brighter with Robbie producing a fine save early on then being just as brave to come and collect a corner. We did start to get more into it although the game was very stop and start this was mainly due to the robust challenges coming in from March players. With only 10 minutes on the clock we lost Sam to a dead leg but we quickly reshaped and took the lead on fifteen minutes when Matt picked the ball up in his right back position attacked the space before delivering a superb pass for Rhys to finish coolly from eight yards. The pattern of the game continued we had most of the ball but were often stopped in our tracks by at times some pretty awful challenges one just before half time forced Rhys off and on other occasions our poor decision making. We scored our second from a delightful through ball from Richard to James out wide and he lobbed the advancing keeper to give us a 2-0 lead, the last action of the half saw the ref book a March player for another crude attempt at a tackle.

We had words at half time because although I had every sympathy for what they had to put up with in regards to the over physical March approach we still were not doing anything that we usually do or try to do and because of that we looked very ordinary in that half. We made it clear what was expected from them in the second half and sent them out to put it right.

We started much better and within five minutes Richard was unlucky to have a goal ruled out for off side, this was to be his last piece of action in the game as he rolled his ankle and was carried off. We continued to struggle with all aspects of our game and it looked like the harder we tried the worst it got. We did create chances which were missed and we also started to make bad decisions around and in there penalty area. With fifteen minutes to go March got back into the game when a mix up at the back allowed the March forward to score easily, this summed up how sloppy we had been in the second half. We were the ones pushing for another goal in the closing stages and although we created good opportunities none were taken and we had to settle for a narrow 2-1 win.

I have to say that I did not enjoy this game very much we were well below par in all aspects of our play which is so unlike us but more so the way that March conducted themselves which was even more disappointing, I have no doubt we will learn from today and if nothing else the boys got a taste of what adult football can sometimes be like in the physical and intimidating side which by and large up to now they have seen very little of. I also know that when this group under achieve they always work twice as hard to put things right and I know we will all try to get things right for our next game.