Youth Match Report: U16 v Witchford Colts 020314


Sunday 2nd March 2014


Royston Town Youth v Witchford Colts


Cambridge & District Colts League U16 Division A


Won 4-1

Royston Scorers

Rhys 2, Richard, James R

This game could not come soon enough for me and the boys after last weeks disappointing display, we welcomed Witchford to Fowlmere on a sunny morning with a slight breeze and a pitch which was in an ok condition. Today was all about our decision making firstly in defence where we needed to know when to clear our lines and when to play out secondly in midfield where we needed to know when to release the ball and when to keep it and finally up front where we needed to know when we needed to  pass and when to shoot, it really was that simple we needed to get more decisions right then wrong and if we did we would not only win the game but also put in a performance we know they are all capable of.

We started really well and looked sharpe in all aspects of our play especially our passing with good link up play down our right with Callum and James R and our left with Eamon and Bradley.AJ was also very dominant and was getting on the ball as often as he could. We went one nil up after 15 minutes when once again James R and Callum linked up and when Callum swung his cross in Witchford did not deal with it and Rhys picked up the ball and finished well for our opener. We really were playing with confidence with Fred, and AJ dominating the middle of the park. We scored again after 25 minutes when once again good play from AJ saw his pass find Rhys and his crisp shot went in off the post.Witchford tried to get back into the game and a shot by them forced Robbie into a good save. Alasdair and Jack M were solid at the back and we looked comfortable that was until 5 minutes before half time when we failed to clear our lines and when the ball was played into our area a Witchford player had a free header to pull it back to 2-1, and that’s how it stayed until half time.

It was a shame we conceded such a poor goal because there were so many reasons to be pleased with that first half. We just needed to keep our concentration and make sure we continued to press them and we were sure we could increase our lead; this was more like us this week in fairness it really was an easy team talk to have.

We started the half on the front foot and that was the pattern of the second half. We were really playing some excellent football and using the ball intellegantly.Once again the link up play was a feature this time down our left with Eamon and Ross We were creating chances but not converting them that was until the 60th minute when after some good build up play Fred’s shot which was going wide was cleverly diverted by Richard to leave the keeper completely wrong footed.AJ really was pulling all the strings and even after he received a cut above his eye he returned to continue his dominance in this game. The icing on the cake came two minutes from time when AJ delivered a corner and James R proved the timing of the run is as important as anything else when his power header from six yards left the keeper with no chance. So the final whistle went and we had won 4-1 and showed what a difference a week makes in football.

I was so pleased with today’s display and pleased for the boys I know they were hungry to put things right this week and so it proved, this group has always taken constructive criticism well and acted on it and once again they did just that, we know we can still improve and that’s what we will try and do starting at training Monday ready for a big test next week against Cambridge Celts.

A special mention for AJ today I thought he was excellent throughout today’s game with his energy levels as well as his short and long passing it really was a dominant display by him and he knows that he has to repeat these performances on a regular basis.