Tuesday, October 22
Royston, Hertfordshire


Not a Classic, but a Win!

Another win. Three in a row now. Very pleasing for all concerned.

Yet again not a classic in terms of pure football but we are in the results business so ultimately a good evening.

I believe that by now if nothing else you will realise the players and the staff are honest in their appraisal of their performances. A low-key dressing room after the match proved that. Not to add salt into the wounds my advice was to look at the recording we now do of the game and self analyse their own displays. Better for them to see where they may have done things differently than staff telling them.

The group are a very highly talented lot. They should and have got high standards so when they dip from them they need to get back up there as quickly as possible.

Onto Saturday. Another home game v Frome Town. Chris will be in charge due to me having a operation on a knackered knee.

Full confidence in him to carry everything on and hopefully with a bit more quality would be great!
