Tuesday, October 22
Royston, Hertfordshire




Hi everyone,

Welcome back to the football season, all be it very early but then again what is ‘normal’ nowadays, eh?

The boys started back training last Saturday, we trained Monday and Thursday and had our first match on Saturday. Possibly a little too early but it was good to get back into the swing of things.

Yes, we’ve lost a few players in the summer. Josh Castiglione and Gus Scott Morris both to Hemel Hempstead. As most of you were aware, both of them work with me and they kept me informed throughout the Summer. They both see it as a progression to move on and if it hadn’t have been for the pandemic they firmly believed that they could have achieved that step up with us by getting promoted. The other lad leaving us is Taylor Parr. Personally, I’m disappointed because we kept faith with him for most of a season when he broke his ankle and then he played 11 league games before the voided season. With the new season coming up he decided to part ways. It’s a shame but, hey, that’s football. I’m sure you will all agree with me when I say good luck to him in his future.

On the plus side, we have kept the main nucleus of the squad together, adding Ronnie Henry and possibly a couple more. As it stands we are happy and won’t be pressed into making any ‘snap decisions’ too quickly.

On to Saturday’s game – a 3-0 win but more importantly a solid, comfortable performance from most. We have introduced various new things within our play and in general, a lot was taken on board, which was pleasing. We now have several games coming up away from Garden Walk but will be back at home later on in the month – looking forward to having a drink with you all then!


Steve C