Wednesday, October 23
Royston, Hertfordshire


Another Victory against a tough Barton team!


The lads got themselves yet another victory against a tough Barton team tonight. Making me, my staff and everyone connected with the Crows I’m sure very proud of their achievements thus far! That’s 24 wins out of 25! An amazing statistic in any League and the players deserve all plaudits given to them.

They really are an incredible group! Not only for the results but how they individually accept our choices of starting line ups. No sulking no negative vibes but remaining positive throughout.

My dilemma as said before is to keep all these 1st team players fresh and “Juggle” the starting 11 on occasions.

This was the case tonight. After a convincing 6-0 win on Saturday everyone involved could quite rightly thought their starting berth was assured. My thinking on changing things was to, one freshen things up and also to protect certain lads from possible injury. So however weird it seemed I completely changed the front 3, bringing in Matt Nolan, Kaan Fehmi and Rod Young.

Replacing John Frendo, Josh Castiglione and Scott Neilsen.

My reasons were that however well all 3 played on Saturday and they all played really well but Scott hasn’t played much football lately, Josh in my opinion for a young lad has played loads and we felt a slight rest was needed and John who has been superb since he came to us maybe needed changing bringing in the equally prolific frontman in Matt Nolan. Certainly no reflection on their past performances but to include nearly all our great forwards.

One unlucky lad was Ryan Ingrey who after a back problem was in my opinion slightly “Rusty” and yet again with no dramas “Ingers” played and scored in the Reserves putting him back into the frame for selection on Saturday.

The whole group have been brilliant. I would love to play them all but hopefully everyone can see my reasoning behind it.


So for the third season in a row we have achieved 2nd place, although this time we are in a very strong position to go one better. I really do believe that we will do it but still no talk of the big “T” until we achieve it!!

Onto Saturday Chalfont at home. The starting line up will be changed again but still very strong. If we win and Farnborough don’t get maximum points we can go to Farnborough the week after to claim the big “T”

It would be great to get as many supporters down to Garden Walk on Saturday as possible to cheers the lads over the line!!

Up the “Crows”