Tuesday, October 22
Royston, Hertfordshire


Help us ‘Keep The Crows Flying!’


Royston Town has today launched a crowdfunding campaign with the aim of filling the gap in the Clubs revenues that have been caused by the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Although we are a very well financially run club, due to the current pandemic we have suddenly found ourselves losing pretty much all of our revenue streams almost overnight. When the 2019/20 football season was cancelled, we still had 5 home league games remaining plus the possibility of lucrative playoff games. With our bar and clubhouse closed, we have had to cancel our whole programme of functions including our long-standing and very popular beer and music festival – the biggest single fundraising event the club holds. As a  result, and in spite of the prize money from our cup successes, we have a net shortfall in revenue in excess of £50K and we now need to find ways to fill that gap and guarantee the future growth and well being of Royston Town FC.



On the launch of the crowdfunding campaign, Royston Town Chairman Steve Jackson explains:

“As a Club, we, along with virtually every other non-league Club, are suffering from the harsh realities of the current COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent UK wide lock-down. Of course, the health and wellbeing of the Royston Town family is our number one priority at this time but we have seen our incomes decimated by this crisis. The impact of the outbreak and lockdown, along with the premature end to our League season, closure of the Clubhouse and cancellation of this year’s Beer & Music Festival, will be around £60,000. Losing out on this vital revenue impacts what we can achieve both on and off the pitch in Royston and in our wider community.

The board of Royston Town and club volunteers have already put in place timely and targeted measures to help support the club during this time, but with no real indication of when we will play again or when we can reopen the clubhouse for functions, our primary income streams have virtually disappeared. As a result, we would like to reach out to all our fans to donate whatever you can to help ‘Keep the Crows Flying as high as we were prior to this pandemic.  We estimate that we will need at least £20,000 to ensure our club remains where it was before the tragic arrival of COVID-19 and ensuring that it can continue to drive forward its progress as part of the town, which needs and deserves a football club playing at the highest possible level.”

“We recognise that some supporters are struggling financially during these uncertain times and that there are many worthy causes needing support, so we are simply asking that if you can afford to make a donation please do so. This vital income will play a huge role in helping the Club during this challenging and difficult period.

We hope we can, only when safe, return to playing games at Garden Walk but in the meantime schemes such as these are crucial.

Thanks for your incredible support and COME ON YOU CROWS!


The Club has today launched a fundraising initiative on Crowdfunder to ask for your help. We are hoping our fans, followers, local residents and local or national businesses can help us in any way they can to raise £20,000 to help the club to fill the gap in our finances caused by the current crisis. We don’t want the growth of the club to turn into a quick decline. We want to ensure that we come out of the other side of this global crisis as strong as possible and for us to be able to continue to compete at the top end of non-league football and restart our highly valued Community Development Programme. With, in all likelihood, no competitive football to be played for the foreseeable future, this initiative allows Crows supporters to assist in making a donation to the club to help fill the gap in finances as a result of the shutdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic.


Any amount pledged to the club will be used to put us in a stronger position over the coming weeks and months. We are very proud of our Crows community and we will mark your generosity by including your name on our new ‘Wall of Support’ that will be created at Garden Walk.



We are aware, of course, that the current situation stretches beyond football, and into our wider community. Whilst most of us are at home, keeping ourselves and our families safe, there are many key workers continuing to work tirelessly to keep us safe and well through stocking shelves, delivering items and managing our health. In our own small way, we would like to give something back to those carrying out this vital work who live and work locally.

For every £1000 raised during this crowdfunding campaign, we will donate an adult SEASON ticket for the 2020/21 season to a local key worker in recognition of their unwavering efforts during this difficult time.