Tuesday, October 22
Royston, Hertfordshire



Monday 21st September

The Club would like to make an appeal to all visitors to Garden Walk regarding the need to remain vigilant about the continued threat of COVID-19. Like many clubs a whole team of hard working volunteers have made great efforts to ensure that games are staged at Garden Walk in the safest manner for both participants and spectators alike, but we do have concerns that not all visitors and supporters have followed all of the guidance that we have put in place. These guidelines have been implemented for the safety and well-being of all visitors to our ground.

The agreement negotiated between the FA and the Department for Culture Media and Sport means that football at our level is not considered ‘close contact’ by the social distancing regulations, as long as Clubs continue to fully implement their risk assessments. A failure to implement these risk assessments is likely to result in matches being postponed and players and spectators self-isolating, in line with current Test and Trace guidance.

As COVID-19 restrictions nationally become tighter, the footballing authorities are becoming increasingly aware of instances where spectators are stretching or even ignoring the guidance. Whilst as a Club we do not have the power of enforcement, the Police do, and they have the power to carry out inspections and fine individuals for persistent breaches of the guidance. Local councils may also be given extra powers to stop events and shut down locations if they are concerned about threats to public safety.

To that end, we would like to remind every visitor to Garden Walk to familiarise themselves with our COVID-19 guidance, the new rules we have implemented (shown below) and to always observe the current social distancing guidelines,including the ‘Rule of 6’ and the recommendation of wearing face coverings when indoors, whilst inside the ground.


Thank you for all assistance with this – only by acting together can we help keep football open,

Royston Town FC