Wednesday, October 23
Royston, Hertfordshire



The Club would like to remind all visitors to Garden Walk about the need to remain vigilant about the continued threat of COVID-19. Like many clubs, a whole team of hard-working volunteers have made great efforts to ensure that games are staged at Garden Walk in the safest manner for both participants and spectators alike, but we do have concerns that not all visitors and supporters have followed all of the guidance that we have put in place. These guidelines have been implemented for the safety and well-being of all visitors to our ground. For football to continue it is imperative that all fans and visitors follow the guidelines set out below and within our COVID-19 plan. Failure to do so could result in the club receiving a sizeable fine and may lead to reduced capacity.



  • If you are feeling unwell or if you or someone in your household has experienced any COVID-19 symptoms within the last 14 days please do not attend.
  • Bring a face covering to the game – unless you are exempt.
  • When queueing to enter please be aware of the current social distancing guidelines
  • If you haven’t already please download the NHS COVID-19 – for further information click here
  • Please ensure that you ‘Check In’ to Garden Walk by scanning our QR code
  • If you do not have the COVID-19 app you will be required to complete a ‘Track & Trace’ form before entering


  • The clubhouse bar will be open from 1.30pm until 7pm.
  • We have to follow the table service only guidelines in the Clubhouse bar.
  • We have limited tables in the Clubhouse and these will be allocated on a ‘First Come First Served’ basis
  • You will need to wear a face-covering to enter the bar area until you are seated at a table and if you need to leave your table to go to the toilet.
  • Please remain seated at all times.
  • A member of staff will take your order at the table and will deliver it to you at your table.
  • Mingling with other tables or moving of the chairs or tables is not allowed.
  • Tables must comprise of no more than 6 people – including children.
  • Drinks must be consumed at your table – you can not take them outside.
  • Once you have finished your drinks please vacate your table and leave via the marked exit as soon as possible so that our staff can prepare it for the next group.



  • Please observe the current social distancing guidelines including the ‘Rule of 6’ where groups of more than 6 are prohibited
  • Where possible maintain a distance of 2M – this may be reduced to 1M if wearing a mask
  • Wearing a mask whilst watching the game is not mandatory, however, we do recommend wearing a mask
  • Respect our volunteers and staff who will be implementing our COVID-19 policy and monitoring social distancing (including the ‘Rule of 6’) around the ground
  • Be aware of the markings on the floor around the ground and only stand in the designated areas
  • If you are not standing in a designated area you will be asked to move – please follow the instructions of our staff and volunteers and move to a designated area immediately.
  • Please do not sit in seats that have been taped off and please do not remove the tape
  • The ‘Rule of 6’ applies in the stands and the covered areas.
  • The weather forecast for tomorrow is not great – please dress accordingly as due to social distancing rules space will be limited in the covered areas.
  • We recommend wearing a face-covering when sitting or standing in the covered areas (unless exempt)
  • There are numerous hand sanitising stations around the ground for your use.
  • Please adhere to any safety announcements made via the tannoy
  • Gerry’s Burger Van will be open and operating as usual.